Get to know mortgage, A Long-term Debt, - freedom mortgage update


Friday 30 August 2019

Get to know mortgage, A Long-term Debt,

Mortgages are debts that use fixed assets as collateral. company fixed assets for example buildings, buildings, houses, machinery, land and ships.

A company that needs funds to grow is developing various efforts to meet long-term funding needs. Can take ways to increase capital, use profits generated (retaired earnings) or by debt.

For the long term. Apart from bonds, mortgages or also known as mortgages are the types of debt that are most often used.

Generally, the creditor with a mortgage loan scheme is a bank. Of course, with certain banking conditions that must be met if you want to get a mortgage loan.

Mortgage maturity is a long period of time. Can be 15-25 years.

After the mortgage debt agreement, the creditor or lender will hold ownership of the company's assets. But during the repayment period of debt and interest payments. The company can still occupy, utilize, and operationalize these assets such as the company's own fixed assets.

Mortgage interest
# 1. Fixed Interest Mortgages
With this fixed interest scheme. Borrowers of money will pay the loan principal and interest according to what has been agreed. Interest paid at a fixed interest rate. Do not change.

So, for example, in the future general interest rates will fluctuate. Mortgage debt interest rates will not change.

# 2. Floating Flower Mortgages
Maybe there are other terms that are more appropriate and more general. The point is the floating flower is. The magnitude of the interest rate paid under this scheme is variable or floating. Following the prevailing bank interest rates in the market.

Maybe this month the mortgage interest rate of a few percent. But in the next period, the numbers might change. Can go down and can also go up. In accordance with bank interest rates.

Typical Characteristics and Properties of Mortgages

Characteristics of mortgages based on the Civil Code are as follows:
Ondeelbar, mortgages cannot be shared because the mortgage is above all assets that are the object. This means that if part of the mortgage debt has been paid, then some mortgage rights are not automatically removed.

Accecoir, is a mortgage is an additional agreement. The main agreement is the debt and credit agreement. Verhallsrech, confused how to read it? berhaalsrecht is the right to pay off debt only. Does not have the right to own the object guaranteed. But if agreed, the creditor can have the right to sell the collateral assets agreed on his own power if the debtor commits negligence.

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